Free Therapy with Shaniqua

Die to Your Flesh Daily, Uncomfortable Life Choices, What Does It Mean

August 30, 2024 Shaniqua Season 3 Episode 10

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In this thought-provoking video, we dive deep into "Die to Your Flesh Daily" and what it truly means in our spiritual journey. As we explore uncomfortable life choices, we will discuss how the flesh and the spirit interact, drawing insights from the Book of Romans and the teachings of Jesus. Through prayer and reflection, we can learn to embrace the idea of dying to ourselves and living a life that aligns with our faith. Join us as we uncover the transformative power of love, and how it conquers all in our daily struggles.

This video is perfect for women in the world, Christian moms, and anyone seeking spiritual growth. Our mission is to inspire and motivate through Christian messages that resonate with everyday life. Whether you're a Christian YouTuber, a Bible teacher, or simply a Jesus girl looking for encouragement, this content will empower you to make those tough choices that lead to a fulfilling life in Christ.

Let’s embark on this journey together, exploring how to live your best life while surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more uplifting content! Join our community of faith, hope, and love as we navigate the path of Christian living.

Welcome to SimplyShaniqua. Healing comes in different forms and people need to be delivered from different things. No need to be ashamed, we all have something to work on. So if you are willing to come on this journey with me I know God will open up some doors and pour out blessings.






00:00 Die to Your Flesh Daily, Uncomfortable Life Choices, What Does It Mean
05:00 What are your thoughts?
10:00 Subscribe for more videos 

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Get on the couch, it's time for your free therapy. All right, y'all, let's go ahead and get a little comfortable, get your chips, get your snacks, get you a little bit of tea and let's talk As I was just like praying to Laura, like Laura, what to talk about because I want stuff to like resonate with you guys. I find what works best for me is when I give like real life scenarios, real sister friend for your partner, whatever it may be. And as I was just like Laura, what can I come to them with for our free therapy? The Lord gave me to talk about how we should die ourselves daily, how we should pretty much give up the things that we want with our flesh wants and follow after Christ. When I think about dying daily, it's like, of course we're not going to be only live going to live going to live. That's not what it means, but I feel like it means to that your plans are not the plans of the Lord. That anything that you're doing daily, you're asking guys to just rid you of it. That seeing that you're doing that you may be unaware of that you die to that, that anything that could be causing a disconnect between you and the Lord, that you stop doing it daily. You begin your day with that prayer. Lord, allow me to die daily. Allow me to whatever is in this day that I am doing that is against the will of you. Allow me to be able to stop doing it, to know my faults, to know my wrongs so that I can become a child of God or I can't walk in your light. Dying daily means you're loving everyone. Are you this, this, this? Hold on for a second. You're working your way towards that love because we know some people do some some things that you don't approve approve of. But it's a matter of knowing and believing that you want change for yourself, that you want better, that you want God to bring out the best in you, that you want God to come into your life and create a new in you. And when you think about something, let's use my plants, for example, whenever a one of them, you know dies, your hope that you can have a seed from it, the seed that is planted from that dead plant, you can get the seed to create new life, or you can catch it before it dies so that you can plant new ones. It's all about trusting God's plan and trust in the process, a process of you shedding off those layers of seeing those layers of things, you know is keeping a distance between you and God. So when I as I sit here, as I sit here and I think about like when I was, I think back over my life how God has brought me through a lot those that process of dying daily did not feel well. It did not feel good and it still don't to this day when you feel like you've been living your life right, you feel like the things that you're doing aren't as bad as someone else's. You feel that you're seeing because we all know it's seeing is it's not that bad. Like God, you know, I got I'm a little rough around the edges guy. You know, I have my moments. I have my moments of cursing or I have my moments of drinking. I have my moments of just some people just getting on my nerves. I'm ready to fight them. My God, you know, I'm good. I have them little moments. But, you know, you said I can repent, God, I can repent. No, no, ma'am. No, Sir. Don't repent off the basis of, oh, if I repent, God forgave that. So I'm gonna keep, I'm gonna keep doing it because I'm good. Like if it happened, I could just repent. You know, everything will be all right. You have to look at your relationship with God as a relationship that you have with someone else, your spouse or someone you're dating. If they do something wrong against you, are you going to accept that? Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. Like it ain't happen again. Like, it probably shouldn't happen. It might not happen, but I'm good. I'm sorry. After so many stories, you're going to get tired of that. That's the way that God is, too. After so many repenting, it's like you're going to keep doing the same thing. So you don't even believe your lies at this point. You don't even believe that you're going to do better. But that's the the great thing about God and how he tells us to die daily. God already knew when he put those words in the mouth of Paul and say that I die daily. That's what he God knows we're flesh, we're human. He knows that he created us. He knows we're going to make mistakes. He knows there's things that we're going to have to learn. He know this. But we should also know too that we have a part to play in and we have our part. We have a part of wanting to do right in this world and if we all stay in our lane, we all focus on ourselves and the things that we can work on and be better in, then this world could be a little bit better. So you and you're dying daily. What are some things that you're doing that you know God does not approve of? What are some things? Things that you doing that you don't even approve of your own self. The things that we don't think is that bad, but it's just like, yeah, you might want to change that. And let's use some examples that I have with me. The the dying daily was the factor of like my mouth like I can, I can really cut you down like I could you know, that ain't me no more. God's changed and they're new and me, honey, OK, but I really can cut you down. I use the example a lot. I can my words, they hit. I might not have been a cursor or whatever, but what I say will heat you down to the core of your being. That's how it is. And there's a lot of people that have a way with words. So the dying daily was OK, Lord, I don't want to be like this somewhere because even though you think it feels good in the moment to be that person who can just tear somebody down with the words, you're looking at how you can actually what like dehumanize someone. You can actually make them feel the lowest of their low by things that you've like been calculating that they do. You can bring that up at the snap of a finger. You're traumatizing someone else by your words, even though what they're doing probably isn't even that bad, but you're so frustrated with them instead of instead of me communicating in a a good manner, a positive manner, getting my actual words out of what I needed, what I wanted to see happen, and what I would do on my part. I couldn't do that. I could not. I could not see past the you've upset me, you've made me angry, so now I'm just going to tell you like it is. I couldn't see past that. And when I begin to think of what it meant to daily check yourself, it's like, this is what I got to check. So I'm like, OK, Laura, help me to be better, to do better, because I want you to really help me to see myself. And that's what God did. He created situations where I would have to die a day that I would have to check myself. I would have to say, oh, sneaker, this ain't right. Look what you just said. And I failed quite a few of them. And that's what you're going to do. You're going to fail a lot of these tests, but it's going to be all right. You going to make it as long as you got breath in your body to see another day. You're going to fail them test because you're not going to learn unless you fail to see your wrongs to see how you're feeling. What could you have said better? What could you have done better in those moments? And God has allowed me to see that and I'm still seeing it. So I know it's quite a few of you guys out there today. You probably just go off all the time. But you have to realize that this is not the way of Christ said you can't follow the Lord like this, no matter who tells you that. Oh, it's OK, you know, do a little seeing. It's OK. It ain't that big. All sin is big in the eyesight of God. There's no small sin, no big thing that you that I, you do that I don't do. God doesn't see it that we've got to not do. We can't do it. It's just that's just point blank. At the end of the sentence. That's it. And so I'm just like God's word has so many different teaching tools in it to help us on our daily journey daily. So God knew like y'all gonna be messing up these humans, Yeah, they're going to mess up time and time again. But God wants us to get to a place where we're not messing up the same things. We're not doing the same things. We're growing because that's the whole purpose of living to see a new day is to grow. Just like as your children, you want them to grow, you want to do good, to do well. And they have to go through the journey of life to age, just like you're aging now. You're going through your journey of life. No matter what has happened to you in the past, those have been things to help build you up. And we can't always use the excuse of someone else. Someone else did this or someone else has done this is doing this to me. That can't always be our excuse. We have to check ourselves daily and see what we can do better. How can we make this day a better day? And what at the end of the day reflect back on it? So that's the things that we're going to do moving forward. And you're going to do a little homework moving forward. We're going to wake up. We're going to ask God to allow us to die this day. What, what do we need to shed our today, today? What did we do yesterday that we need to work on today? And if God anything happens within this day, which we should hope things happen. So I don't know. We should hope, we should expect things to happen so that way we know if we actually passing these tests or not. But when you wake up, you look back over yesterday and like, oh God, you know, I kind of messed up a couple of things. I said something I shouldn't have said. I went somewhere I shouldn't have went. But today is a brand new day that you have given me God, and I'm very grateful and thankful. Allow me to walk in this day and the newness of you. What can I do better? How can I act? Show me my wrongs in this day, Lord, and allow me to live to get it right. And at the end of the day. You look back and you thank God for the things that you did right and ask him to help you tomorrow if life lasts, to get those things done, to get those things worked out and to be better. And each day that you do this, God is working on you. You're not going to feel good. It's going to feel like a heavyweight on your shoulders. It's going to feel like the world is against you. Everyone is doing you wrong. You have to treat them good. Why, Lord? Why do I have to do this? And they, they get to be who they are. I'm trying to change, it just seems like, so I started trying to change. So much is going on, but you can't look at it that way. You have to look at it as I'm going to be a better person if I keep on this track. God saves my soul. Get the gift of the Holy Ghost. I can make heaven my home because that's where I want to be, to make it to that beautiful place called heaven. That is the ultimate goal for us all, that we can make it there with God and we can be with him forever because we can't take things here on this earth with us. We have to change now. We're in the changing room, we're in the die daily room. We are here and that's what God wants us to do to him, to order our steps and we have to allow him to order those. We can't be trying to plan our own things out. Like I'm going to go tell her this because you know, I'm trying to because it's what a lot of people do. I'm trying to walk with God. So I didn't get all this stuff off my chest. So I'm going to go tell her what she didn't did to me, but I forgave her. I'm going to go hit him up and tell him like, you know, hey, yo, you did this, you know, you remember what you said to me last week or you supposed to pay me my $20 back, but I'm going to let it slide because I'm trying to walk with Jesus now. So I want you to know that Jesus saved you. Don't do that. OK, That's not, that's not dying daily. That's not doing it. But I would encourage you to look up these scriptures I'm going to put here right on the screen so you can go and search them up for yourself. Ask God for your revelation and how it applies to you and what you need to shed off this day in Jesus name. And yeah, I'm going to be shedding off to y'all'cause I still got some stuff that I need to work on. And God can do it for all of us and He's going to do it. You just got to believe, OK? Believe. Lord help that unbelief and you gonna be all right. Sorry guys, I catch out in the next one. If you have any comment questions for anything leave them down the comment section below. Make sure you subscribe to the channel and I would catch you guys are next one. Y'all be blessed.