Free Therapy with Shaniqua

God is Speaking. Are You Listening?

August 20, 2024 Shaniqua Season 3 Episode 6

Send me a message if you have any questions or comments!


join me for a peaceful morning as we walk, talk, and pray together in this inspiring video, "Walk, Talk, and Pray with Me." Start your day with God and immerse yourself in a daily Jesus devotional that will uplift your spirit and strengthen your faith.

As we stroll through the beautiful surroundings, we'll meditate on scripture and embrace the serenity of our morning prayer. This daily prayer experience is designed to encourage you to abide in His presence and seek Christian motivation as you begin your day.

Whether you're looking for a blessed morning prayer or a way to connect deeply with Jesus Christ, this video offers a perfect opportunity for reflection and inspiration. So, grab your walking shoes, and let’s embark on this spiritual journey together. Remember, each step we take can be filled with prayer and gratitude.

Don't forget to make this a part of your daily Jesus prayers and let the tranquility of your morning prayer guide you throughout the day. Join me as we pray and grow in faith together!



00:00 Walk, Talk, and Pray with Me
05:00 Morning prayer with the Lord
15:00 Subscribe for more


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Good morning, it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood and today we are going for a walk and prayer. Since our last therapy session I said that I wanted to walk more so here is my challenge accepted and I have done it. So I figured that on this walk we will pray and just have a heart to heart conversation. So first let me ask you, how are you feeling today? How did you sleep last night or what was some things that was on your mind possibly? Did you wake up with those same things on your mind or did you go to sleep in prayer? I send God to help you get clarity on whatever it is. But if you are or have been in prayer and you're looking for revelations from the Lord, I pray that after I walked today that you will have all of your answers. So this is about a 15 minute walk edit version. And so you only got 15 minutes. So you can go ahead and get out and walk with me or save this video for a later time. But I just really want you to listen to the prayer that I'm going to pray and find where it sticks with you. So this prayer is from a little red book that I have, and it's called Shattering Strongholds on Self. Heavenly Father, I come to you now in the name of my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, I am standing on the truth of your word. You said you would give me the keys to the Kingdom, that whatsoever I would bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatsoever I will loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. According to Matthew 16 and 18. Right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I bind my will to the will of God, that I will be constantly aware of Your will and purpose for my life. I bind myself to the truth of God, that I will not be deceived by the many subtle deceptions of the world and the devil. In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind myself to the blood of Jesus. I want to be constantly aware of the blood of Christ Jesus miracle working power to restore and heal and keep me safe. I bind my mind to the mind of Christ that I will be aware of how Jesus Christ would have me think and believe. I do not want to react out of my own human thoughts when situations arise suddenly. I want to think and act as Jesus would have me. I bind my feet to paths of righteousness that my steps would be steady and true all day long. I bind myself to the work of the cross in my life so that I will continue to die daily to my own selfish desires and motivations. I pray to be more like Jesus in the name of Jesus Christ. I bind the scrum man so that I may spoil his household and take back every bit of joy. Peace, blessing, freedom, and every material and spiritual possession that He has stolen from me, I take them back. Right now. I lose the Scrum Man's influence over every part of my body, soul, and spirit. I lose, crush, smash and destroy every evil device you may try to bring into my sphere of influence during this day. I repent of every wrong desire, attitude, and pattern of thinking I have had. Forgive me, Heavenly Father, for holding on to wrong ideas, desires, behaviors and habits according to first John One and nine and John 14 verse 14. I renounce and reject these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and I lose every wrong attitude, pattern of thinking, belief, idea, desire, behavior and habit I have ever learned. I lose the strongholds around them that would keep me from being completely surrendered to the will of God for my life. I lose all doubt and confusion from myself. I have bound my mind to the mind of Christ, and I lose every wrong thought and evil imagination that would keep me from being in sweet unity with you. I bind and lose these things in the name of Jesus Christ who has given me the keys to do so. Amen. Now I want you to really think on that prayer. And other than just listening to it and just repeating after me, how do you feel about the prayer? How do you feel about taking control back from the enemy and allowing Jesus to just come into your life and take that control guide you, You surrendering to him and following his every lead? I know. No, it may sound like it's easier said and done because of how your life is going, but I want you to believe and know that if you do give over your life to Christ that there is newness in it. Because as the Word says, whatever is bound here on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever is loose here on earth is loose in heaven. So I'm gonna give you a moment. Just think about that. And to look at these beautiful flowers or weeds, whatever they are, God's creation is just so wonderful. I have a serious question for you. I would like to know, do you believe that God can heal you? And like I said in our last therapy session, do you believe God can heal you physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally? And if your answer is yes to this, my question also would be, what are you asking God for? If God gave you one thing that you can that could be healed today, what would you ask God for? What would be that one thing, not two and one special, but one single thing today in this moment? What would it be? And then on the other hand, if I asked you if you believe God could heal you and your answer would be no, my response would be why is that? Because you feel like you've been praying and God has answered those prayers, or you feel like you've been suffering for so long that there is no answer. Suffering can be in the physical or emotionally or even spiritually. To you mentally battling those demons that you have, I feel like your answer would be no because you have been dealing with it for a very long time. And just to think of it, healing it doesn't seem possible to you. But I have to let you know that all things are possible through Christ. All things can be healed through Christ if it's the Lord's will for you. A lot of people believe that they're meant to suffer, or God doesn't see them, or God doesn't know that they're here, or God doesn't know that they're going through. But God knows all. And the moment that you really surrender and give up everything to God is the moment that God can show you all the possibilities of life. God can give you that healing, and you be able to remain and stay in that healing. Because what would it profit you to be healed? But you can't contain it. The one moment that you feel an ache or pain or the one moment you go through a tough situation, you're ready to give up. If you don't have that foundation of Jesus under you. If you don't have that covering, you're going to be ready to throw in the towel and not believe that God has actually delivered you from whatever you were asking for. And if you've been dealing with something for so long and you have not seen where God has or feel as though God has not showed up in your life for those situations, I want to tell you that you're here for a reason. And you're here because God has been showing up or because God has allowed you to go through for a reason and allowed you to go through for this very moment. Most times, if not all times, going through never feel good. But we have to keep going. Like I'm going on this walk. I'm tired, but I made a commitment to myself to say I'm gonna keep going. I'm gonna do this. I want a healthier body. So you have to say I want a healthier life. I want a healthier lifestyle. I want healthier people or to attract healthier people in my life, people who are going to help guide me and be with me through it all. And I know that God can do that for you in any situation that you're dealing with. I mean, I know the exact situation you are battling facing right now, this moment, but I know that whatever it is, God can and will get you through. As long as we have breath in our body, there's always another day, another moment, another hour that we can just be with God and sit with God and cry out to God. In all of our weakest moments, our greatest accomplishments, our moments where we're just alone, God is there with us. God is there with us through it all. And I would definitely encourage you listening to me, that if you have not built a relationship with God or you're wavering in your faith, I would tell you to really seek God. Ask God what is it? That you need to do. What is it that you need to give up? Because we can think that we're not doing anything worse than the next to us, but we're all doing something that God doesn't approve of. We just have to allow guys to clean us up. Seek the face of God. Ask God to show you you. And when God does, don't be in disbelief. Don't be into now, if you really, truly want to do right, it's gonna be things that you're not gonna like about yourself. You're not gonna like how you act or how you respond to a lot of situations. But it's beauty in that. It's beauty in the ugliness of you that God can clean up and you will begin to like yourself. Because a lot of times you don't like you. You may think you do, or we're always trying to find someone that mirrors who we feel they should be. But are we mirroring who God wants us to be? Are we being that person that we desire to see in someone else? Because we can always point the fingers at others. We can always find the fault in someone else, but never ourselves. But growth comes when you put yourself under a microscope and you challenge yourself to be better than you was yesterday, be better than you're now tomorrow. And that's when you will begin to see a great difference in your life. So listen to this prayer and take it to heart because God wants you. You're not too old. You're not too young, you're not too damaged, you're not too anything. That God can't use you, that God can't clean you up, that God can't just reach out and hug you and give you a place to run, to hide under the protection of his wings in the shadow of His grace. That is what God is here for. He's here to do that for you. And He sent people like me to help guide the laws to be found, the broken to be healed. And there's you and these are your moments. So really take to heart everything that's been said. And I really enjoyed our time. Guys, if I have said something that you kind of resonate with or that you want to take a second look at or you need prayer or whatever it may be, there's always leave me a comment down below and I would definitely remember you in prayer. We can't be ashamed of our now because we know our now will soon be our past, and everyone has a past. And I think we need to start realizing that no matter if you're saved or you're starting to follow Christ or you're trying to live a better life, no matter how you're better looked, you can't be ashamed of your past. You have to realize that the past is the past and you cannot be bound by that any longer. God wants to set you free. God can set you free. You just have to 1st believe that it can happen. You have to believe that you can be new. There is a better life, there is a better way. Your mind can be set free. You don't have to suffer in silence. You don't have to suffer alone. You have to believe that God is there for you and God has sent people to be there for you, to pray with you, to just call you out when you need to be called. I don't think because, you know, sometimes we need to be called out, but that is great. You need someone in your corner. We're not meant to do life alone, but if you are alone and don't have anybody that you feel you can talk to, know that God is there for you and don't give up on life. So we're almost at the end of our walk. I really enjoy talking to you so hopefully you will show up for our next walk or if there will be another one. Let me know down in the comment section below if you enjoyed this walk and if you would like to see more walk talk and prayer time and I'll catch you guys in the next one. Y'all be blessed. We did it. We have made it to the end.